
Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday Discussion: Looking Forward to 2013

Welcome to the last Monday Discussion of 2012.  Due to the next two Monday being holidays, the Monday Discussion will not be back until 1/7 when I will be asking about your 2013 reading resolutions.  Click here to see my report on how I did on my 2012 resolutions.

So like I do every year, after we have wrapped up our 2 weeks running of Monday Discussions about our favorite reads of the year that is about to end (click here and here), I end the year with a look forward to 2013.

Here are a few of the highlights I am excited for:
  • Fall marks the long awaited sequel to Stephen King's The Shining, still my pick as the perfect place to start reading King.  It will be titled, Dr. Sleep.
  • Diane Setterfield whose debut novel, The Thirteenth Tale, is an all time favorite of mine, is due to finally have another novel sometime this fall.
  • My favorite book I read last year was Karen Russell's Swamplandia!.  She is due with a new short story collection entitled Vampires in the Lemon Grove in February.
  • I am just excited to see what book comes out of nowhere to be the darling of the year,  What will be 2013's Gone Girl? There is always at least one surprise. So I guess I am most excited to find out what the surprise hit of the year will be.
There are many more great reads coming in 2013; this list is just the tip of the iceberg.  For today's Monday Discussion, let me know what you are most looking forward to in the book world in 2013.  Here are some links to help you see what is on the horizon and to get you excited for the year in books to come:
Thanks for being a part of 2012's discussions too.

For past Monday Discussions, click here.


  1. I am so happy Ruth Ozeki is coming out with a new book "A Tale for the Time Being". She takes a long time between books but it's worth it!

  2. The Unchangeable Spots of Leopards by Kristopher Jansma

  3. John, Librarian At DawnDecember 17, 2012 at 2:03 PM

    Here are some books I would LIKE to read in 2013 but will probably not see.

    1. A new vampire novel by Anne Rice. She wrote a werewolf novel which was very good. But that just isn't the same.

    2. A sequel to the original Dracula that isn't awful.

    3. Some decent, new, horror graphic novels. They have been in sad decline and low in numbers this past year.

    4. Some new mystery writers with ORIGINAL ideas and plots. A a reader, I feel this genre has really hit rock bottom.

    I realize these sound like complaints rather than wishful thinking, but I do hope they come true.

  4. I am looking forward to the final book in the Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth - just powered through the first two last week and I am hooked - so much better than hunger games!
    And like you I'm looking forward to seeing what pops like Gone Girl did this year.

  5. I'm looking forward to the newest Maisie Dobbs book "Leaving Everything Most Loved" by Jacqueline Winspear.
