
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Increase Patron Satisfaction By Enhancing Your RA Service...One Link at a Time

In this world of hybrid RA Service, where we have only limited interaction with patrons as we work to get them material, we need to make sure we are providing more than simply items for them to read. Yes this makes them happy now, especially with curbside resuming all over the country. People are happy to get a physical book in their hands [often because it reminds them of a piece of before times, not because they refuse to read digitally].

However, just getting books to them is not going to be enough as communities start looking at the bottom line dollars of this pandemic and start questioning the money that is going to the library, especially the  cost of personnel. Unfortunately that is the first place library boards are looking to make cuts. I may disagree [and am a Board member myself] but it is the hard truth across the country.

We need to get ahead of their complaints that we shouldn't have so many people working in  building with limited services and hours. An easy way to do this is to enhance your service to leisure readers.

When we help people with their wants, the things they like to have, they tend to be more impressed and happy than when we handle their needs [reference questions, computer services, copies, etc...] Why? Because the wants seem like extra, they appear to be service above and beyond to the tax payer. Yes, we know they are part of our everyday job, but in general, people do not expect their public entities to do the  "fun" things for them as part of their daily work.

So how can we show people, from a distance, that our services enhance their experience with our collections? Well it used to be we did that through personalized, in person service, having conversations, and creating relationships. But now, we are often taking request via email, phone, or the patrons  are placing holds on their own based on emails or book lists we have put out. 

This all good and helps connect people to books they wouldn't find on their own, but we still need  to do more, go the extra mile.

Might I suggest providing access to supplemental materials for the books they are receiving. For example, links to interviews with the author, other book lists which contain the title you gave them, or even a music playlist to go with the book.

That last suggestion is one of my favorites and one I have suggested before. Visit Largehearted Boy's archive of books with a playlists created by the author. You can listen right on the site. But in general Largehearted Boy is an excellent resource to identify that something extra, a link you can share to enhance the patron's experience with the library, to remind them of the service you, the staff member, have provided, a service and information that patron would never get without you.

It doesn't have to be music. Some patrons won't want that, but the general point I am making is key here. Socially distant service does not mean you have to sacrifice the personal touch. Now that we  have started to get back in a new normal, it is time to start finding ways to increase patron satisfaction. Make them happy to have not just the bare minimum. Give them something more. Of course it won't be the same as before, but it will be in the same spirit as pre-Covid times and that is what matters the most. 

Please take me seriously here and think about what I have said. I am sorry to be so dire, but your job may depend on it. It shouldn't, but it might.

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