
Thursday, March 14, 2024

RA for All Roadshow Presents: Swoon & Screams w/a coupon for our books!

Later today, I am presenting with Robin Bradford and Alex Brown as part of a free, 3 hour Readers' Advisory training event for Booklist. Details here.

If you did not pre-register, don't worry. Everything, including the videos and slides, will be available for everyone soon. I will let you know.

But, today, I did want to spotlight our program. The slides are here, or you can click on the title slide image below. 

Robin and I first planned on giving this presentation at ALA Annual in 2020. The idea was to promote our books, both were in process at that time. We had booked Romance author Sonali Dev and Horror author Silvia Moreno-Garcia (on the day Mexican Gothic was being released!) to join us for a conversation about the appeal of these genres and why we all love them.

Well, I don't need to tell you that the 2020 ALA Annual was cancelled. 

Since then, both of our books in the Readers' Advisory Guide to...series have come out, and Robin and I have given more presentations together than I have time to count, but this dream to do Swoons & Screams, to have a shared presentation about Romance and Horror, that dream had been left unfulfilled. Until today!

And while we don't have the authors this time, we do have School Librarian Alex Brown to join us and talk about how to serve the teen readers for these uber popular genres, and they are one of the best teen librarians out there right now. 

Everything in this program is about serving your readers of these two genres-- from teens to adults. It is from the top And, see slide 3 or below for a 10% off coupon on Robin and my books to get even more detailed help. You can click on either book cover to go straight to the ALA Edition store, but don't forget to copy the coupon code first.

We also worked very hard to make the slides as useful as possible for you to use as a handout. This is why I am posting them here today. We have listed the major appeals of the genres, key RA conversation tips, and can't miss titles. Everything you need to help Romance and Horror readers right now. 

I am over the moon excited to present Swoons & Screams with Robin and Alex for all of you. 

See many of you later today and others on the recording. In the meantime, check to the books and slides below.


10% off our books (either or both!) with the code BSRB24. Expires 3/31/24. 

Slide access here 

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