
Monday, March 18, 2024

What I'm Reading: No One Is Safe by Philip Fracassi

The current issue of Booklist has a STAR review by me of a collection put out by a trusted small press, by a Nightfire author. See below for my draft review and lots of bonus info


No One is Safe: A Story Collection

By Philip Fracassi

Apr. 2024. 264p. Lethe, paper, $23 (9781590216040)

First published March 15, 2024 (Booklist).

Fracassi (Boys in the Valley and Gothic), reminds readers that he is not only a rising star as a Horror novelist, but also as a master of the short story, with his latest collection of 14 stories that center on fascinating characters and range in tone from unsettling to absolutely terrifying. The first story, “The Wish,” brilliantly sets the uneasy tone for the entire collection, a tale of a birthday wish with horrific consequences. Fracassi goes on to utilize his remarkable imagination and stunning range to invoke fear in speculative, thought provoking, stories that explore topics such as AI, alien life, Hollywood, a bestselling book, a haunted house as the narrator of its own killing spree, and so much more. However, it is how each story works in tandem– crafting a unique and captivating world, hooking readers immediately, holding their undivided attention, and resolving in a satisfying way that also begs them to turn the page and read just one more– that is most remarkable here. A must read from cover-to-cover for all Horror fans, especially those who enjoy the immersive, original story telling found in collections such as Spin A Black Yarn by Malerman or Breakable Things by Khaw. 

Three Words That Describe This Book: intensely unsettling, captivating, original

Further Appeal:  Other words in contention for "3 words"-- creepy, immersive, character centered.

There are too many stories here that I LOVED and all for different reasons. Each story has an amazing narration by a captivating narrator. 

The genres here bounce around, but all are underpinned by a strong Horror element. Terror unites the collection. Reading the book is fun because the way the Horror elements are incorporates and the way the fear comes at the reader is original and surprising. 

Here are some story notes, although I stopped taking notes on specific stories because they were all amazing, I just wanted to read. This is huge praise for a collection. 

"The Wish": Begins with a clown, which of course, puts most readers on edge, but it is not about the clown even a little. It is the story of a birthday wish that lasts a lifetime and not in the way the birthday boy intended, but also, not in the way readers will expect either. I cannot stress enough how well this story sets the stage for what is to come.

"The Last Haunted House Story": The house narrates this as he stalks the kids who are exploring it.

"My Father's Ashes": One of the best vampire stories I have read

"Aquarium Diver": Alien Horror with a Space Horror feel even though it is set on Earth.

"Overnight": a Hollywood movie set story that lingered with me for a while. 

"Over 1,000,000 Copies in Print": story about a terrifying bestselling author.

"Row": A brand new story to close out the book. I don't want to give anything away but it is a great ending to the collection. 

There is more but this gives you a sampling of the book. I am purposely leaving things vague. 

Get this book on order. It comes out in April. 

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