
Friday, June 28, 2024

Resource Reminder: NPR Books

ALA Annual begins today so most of the librarians are busy from now until Tuesday. But since I am not there, I am taking advantage of the quiet to take a half day today.

I will be back on Monday with my Horror Genre Preview in the July issue of Library Journal and Tuesday I will start with some ALA Annual Recaps.

But today I wanted to remind you of one of my favorite resources-- NPR Books.

They cover the newest books, they have  written reviews to pair with the audio ones, lists, and include journalism on book news, all with one click. I check it at least once a week to stay on top of what is going on in the book atmosphere (Robin Bradford's term).

However, it is more than a news site, it is also one of my go to suggestion resources because they have a permanent link to the "Books We Love" searchable database with easy backlist access. Please click here for more by me about this wonderful resource.

Here is the direct link to access it

But from the main page of NPR Books, click on the header--  "Best Books of the Year."

Currently they are also running a "Books We Love" so far series for 2024. Use their "Books We Love" tag to pull up those lists and the database of hundreds of titles.

Include NPR books as part of your book news routine AND as a great place to identify titles for readers based on their preferred appeal factors with backlist access to 2013 all on one page.

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