
Friday, September 13, 2024

Booklist's September 15 issue Spotlight is on Romance and Travel

A new issue of Booklist just dropped and it's a spotlight on Romance and Travel.

Like every issue of Booklist, the spotlight topics get the Top 10 treatment and there are articles as well. Each issue is a great way to catch up on what has been happening in that genre, topic, or format over the previous 12 months. 

You can use these lists for collection development, of course, but you can also use each month's spotlight as a display idea, especially when you use the backlist. Put up a display in all age areas using the cover of the magazine and just call it, "Spotlight on [Fill in the Blank]" and fill it up with titles. The lists and art are ready for you.

Then, make it interactive by asking people-- online, at service desks, at the display itself, and with a conversation starter bookmark in EVERY book on the hold shelf (click here for more on that) to share their favorite in this case Romance titles. Then you can extend the display by adding their suggestions as well. And let me tell you, your Romance readers will share. 

Side note: Romance readers are my favorite readers to help (yes more than Horror readers) because they not only want to talk about the books they love, they are so in-tune with their personal areas of appeal and can articulate it perfectly.

You can do this with any spotlight issue and it fits perfectly with Booklist's mission which is to help you help patrons discover a new read. Click here for a linked list of the September 15, 2024 spotlight contents.

Below is the information from the current spotlight with backlist access to the last few year's lists as well. Please note, the articles requires you log in, but if your library gets the print magazine, you have a login already. Click here for assistance setting it up.

There is a lot more in the  magazine and you can access it right now in digital edition. Click here for assistance setting it up.

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