
Monday, February 24, 2025

Using Awards Lists As a RA Tool: The Bram Stoker Awards Edition

This is part of my ongoing series on using Awards Lists as a RA tool. Click here for all posts in the series in reverse chronological order. Click here for the first post which outlines the details how to use awards lists as a RA tool.  

The image a picture of the haunted house statue that winners receive with the name of the award to its left BRAM STOKER AWARDS in red font

Yesterday, the 2024 Bram Stoker Awards® Final Ballot was released. These are for books and stories published in 2024.

It is a strong ballot. I have included every nominee in all 13 categories here on the blog so that the authors and titles are searchable, but in particular, I want to note that Novel, Long Fiction (novella), and First Novel are stacked. I have reviewed I reviewed 12 of the 15 nominees.

Full disclosure, I am an active member of the HWA and will be voting but honestly, I am going to have to really think about my vote. I am not kidding when I say this-- those categories could come down to a single vote. 

As resource, the Bram Stoker Awards® are one of the best, and I don't just say this because I am on the Board for the HWA (The Awards are administered by a separate committee and I have no contact with the voting process). The awards have their own separate website that is there to use to keep track of every award winner, for every year. But you can also search by author and title. 

For example, if you want to see all the times Stephen Graham Jones has been nominated and won, you can put his name in the search box and then go to this page with all of the information in one place.

Also there is a timeline on the left side bar when you click on the menu for "Winners/Nominees." Simply click on a date to see who was nominated and won that year.

So many ways to search to find a treasure trove of critically acclaimed horror titles to showcase in your library or add to your collections. It is one of the top resources for you, the library worker, as you assist patrons looking for their next scary read.

The 2024 Bram Stoker Awards® Final Ballot

The Horror Writers Association (HWA) is pleased to announce the Final Ballot for the 2024 Bram Stoker Awards®. The HWA ( is the premier writers organization in the horror and dark fiction genre, with more than 2,000 members. We have presented the Bram Stoker Awards in various categories since 1987 (see

Works appearing on this Ballot are Bram Stoker Award Nominees for Superior Achievement in their Category, e.g., Novel, and everyone may refer to them as such immediately after the announcement.

The HWA Board and the Bram Stoker Awards® Committee congratulate all those appearing on the Final Ballot. Notes about the voting process appear after the ballot listing.

If your work appears on this ballot and you would like to offer it to voting members of the HWA in the Internet Mailer to be sent on or around February 26, please see important information following the ballot.

The 2024 Bram Stoker Awards® Final Ballot

Superior Achievement in an Anthology

●       Ajram, Sofia — Bury Your Gays: An Anthology of Tragic Queer Horror (Ghoulish Books)

●       Costello, Rob — We Mostly Come Out at Night: 15 Queer Tales of Monsters, Angels & Other Creatures(Running Press)

●       Gyzander, Carol and Taborska, Anna — Discontinue If Death Ensues: Tales from the Tipping Point (Flame Tree Publishing)

●       Murano, Doug and Bailey, Michael — Long Division: Stories of Social Decay, Societal Collapse, and Bad Manners (Bad Hand Books)

●       Ryan, Lindy — Mother Knows Best: Tales of Homemade Horror (A Women in Horror Anthology) (Black Spot Books)

Superior Achievement in a Fiction Collection

●       Barron, Laird — Not a Speck of Light (Bad Hand Books)

●       Enriquez, Mariana — A Sunny Place for Shady People (Penguin)       

●       Sylvaine, Angela — The Dead Spot: Stories of Lost Girls (Dark Matter Ink)

●       Waggoner, Tim — Old Monsters Never Die (Winding Road Stories)                                   

●       Yardley, Mercedes M. — Love is a Crematorium and Other Tales (Cemetery Dance)

Superior Achievement in a First Novel

●       Coles, Donyae — Midnight Rooms (Amistad)

●       Drake-Thomas, Jessica — Hollow Girls (Cemetery Dance Publications)

●       Kiefer, Jenny — This Wretched Valley (Quirk Books)

●       Kim, Monika — The Eyes Are the Best Part (Erewhon Books)

●       Ryan, Lindy — Bless Your Heart (Minotaur Books)

Superior Achievement in a Graphic Novel

●       Ha, Robin (writer/artist) — The Fox Maidens (HarperCollins Children’s Books)

●       Hetland, Beth (writer/artist) — Tender (Fantagraphics Books)

●       Horvath, Patrick (writer/artist) — Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees (Penguin Random House)

●       Tanabe, Gou (writer/artist) — H. P. Lovecraft’s The Call of Cthulhu (Dark Horse Books)

●       Umber, Maggie (writer/artist) — Chrysanthemum Under the Waves (Maggie Umber LLC)

Superior Achievement in Long Fiction

●       Ajram, Sofia – Coup de Grâce (Titan Books)

●       Cassidy, Nat – Rest Stop (Shortwave Publishing)

●       Chapman, Clay McLeod – Kill Your Darling (Bad Hand Books)

●       LaRocca, Eric – “All The Parts of You That Won’t Easily Burn” (This Skin Was Once Mine and Other Disturbances) (Titan Books)

●       Royce, Eden – Hollow Tongue (Raw Dog Screaming Press)

Superior Achievement in Long Non-Fiction

●       Bogutskaya, Anna — Feeding the Monster: Why Horror Has a Hold on Us (Faber & Faber)

●       Dauber, Jeremy —American Scary: A History of Horror, from Salem to Stephen King and Beyond (Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill)

●       Honeycutt, Heidi — I Spit on Your Celluloid: The History of Women Directing Horror Movies (HeadPress)

●       Hughes, Emily C.  — Horror for Weenies: Everything You Need to Know About the Films You’re Too Scared to Watch (Quirk Books)

●       Sachar, Cassandra O’Sullivan, ed. — No More Haunted Dolls: Horror Fiction that Transcends the Tropes(Vernon Press)

Superior Achievement in a Middle Grade Novel

●       Averling, Mary – The Curse of Eelgrass Bog (Razorbill)

●       Collings, Michaelbrent – The Witch in the Woods (Shadow Mountain Publishing)

●       Cuevas, Adrianna – The No-Brainer’s Guide to Decomposition (HarperCollins Children’s Books)

●       Ottone, Robert P. – There’s Something Sinister in Center Field (Cemetery Gates Media)

●       Royce, Eden – The Creepening of Dogwood House (Walden Pond Press, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers)

Superior Achievement in a Novel

●       Iglesias, Gabino — House of Bone and Rain (Mulholland Books in US; Titan Books in UK)

●       Jones, Stephen Graham — I Was a Teenage Slasher (S&S/Saga Press in US; Titan Books in UK)

●       Kiste, Gwendolyn —  The Haunting of Velkwood (S&S/Saga Press)

●       Malerman, Josh — Incidents Around the House (Del Rey)

●       Tremblay, Paul — Horror Movie (William Morrow in US; Titan Books in UK)

Superior Achievement in Poetry

●       Hodge, Jamal – The Dark Between the Twilight (Crystal Lake Publishing)                             

●       Iniguez, Pedro – Mexicans on the Moon: Speculative Poetry from a Possible Future (Space Cowboy Books)                                               

●       Murray, Lee – Fox Spirit on a Distant Cloud (The Cuba Press)         

●       Saulson, Sumiko – Melancholia: A Book of Dark Poetry (Bludgeoned Girls Press)

●       Wood, L. Marie – Imitation of Life (Falstaff Books)

Superior Achievement in a Screenplay

●       Beck, Scott and Woods, Bryan — Heretic (A24, Shiny Penny, Beck/Woods)

●       Eggers, Robert; Galeen, Henrik; and Stoker, Bram — Nosferatu (Focus Features, Maiden Voyage Pictures, Studio 8)

●       Fargeat, Coralie — The Substance (Working Title Film, Good Story, Blacksmith)

●       Perkins, Osgood — Longlegs (C2 Motion Picture Group, Cweature Features, Oddfellow Entertainment)

●       Schoenbrun, Jane — I Saw the TV Glow (A24, Fruit Tree, Smudge Films)

Superior Achievement in Short Fiction

●       Barron, Laird — “Versus Versus” (Long Division: Stories of Social Decay, Societal Collapse, and Bad Manners) (Bad Hand Books)

●       Bolton, Rachel — “And She Had Been So Reasonable” (Apex Magazine Issue 147) (Apex Book Company)

●       Brown, Sasha — “To the Wolves” (Weird Horror #9) (Undertow Publications)

●       Busby, R. A. — “Ten Thousand Crawling Children” (Nightmare Magazine January 2024) (Adamant Press)

●       Jakubowski, Raven — “She Sheds Her Skin” (Nightmare Magazine November 2024) (Adamant Press)

Superior Achievement in Short Non-Fiction

●       Arnzen, Michael — “Screamin’ in the Rain: The Orchestration of Catharsis in William Castle’s The Tingler(What Sleeps Beneath)

●       Liaguno, Vince — “The Horror of Donna Berzatto and Her Feast of the Seven Fishes” (You’re Not Alone in the Dark) (Cemetery Dance Publications)

●       Weinstock, Jeffrey Andrew — “Hidden Histories: The Many Ghosts of Disney’s Haunted Mansion” (Disney Gothic: Dark Shadows in the House of Mouse) (Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc.)

●       Wetmore, Kevin J., Jr. — “Jackson and Haunting of the Stage” (Journal of Shirley Jackson Studies Vol. 2 No. 1) (Shirley Jackson Society)

●       Wood, Lisa — “Blacks in Film and Cultivated Bias” (No More Haunted Dolls: Horror Fiction that Transcends the Tropes) (Vernon Press)

Superior Achievement in a YA Novel

●       Cesare, Adam — Clown in a Cornfield 3: The Church of Frendo (HarperCollins Children’s Books)

●       Fraistat, Ann — A Place for Vanishing (Delacorte Press)

●       Parker, Natalie C. — Come Out, Come Out (G.P. Putnam’s Sons)

●       Senf, Lora — The Losting Fountain (Union Square & Co.)

●       Wellington, Joelle — The Blonde Dies First (Simon & Schuster)

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