
Monday, January 7, 2013

Monday Discussion: Reading Resolutions 2013

I'm back to a regular working and posting schedule today after a 2 week hiatus.

But today, it is back to the Monday Discussion, and it is time for our 2013 Reading Resolutions. I was so proud of how well I did on last year's resolutions that I am excited to get going on 2013.

So here are my 2013 reading resolutions.  And like last year, I am putting them here in print so that I hold myself accountable to them.
  • Genre Resolution:  Last year I resolved to read 2 "new to me" contemporary romance authors. Not only did I accomplish this small goal, but by making the resolution, I also did a lot to educate myself on the newest trends in romance throughout the year. This year I am picking a new area to focus on-- Epic Fantasy.  I am a big watcher of epic fantasy in TV and movies, but not a big reader.  I love lighter, shorter single titles or series in my books. The big epic series are very popular though and I am not as well versed in them beyond George R R Martin. I am also currently working on a Game of Thrones readalikes list for the library, so a little more research will be helpful. Thus, I resolve in 2013 to read 2 first books in epic fantasy series that are new to me.
  • Reviews Resolution: I am going to resolve again to get my reviews posted in a more timely fashion.  I have already finished one book in 2013 (with 2 more about to be done), and I will try to get that review up this week. I read and reviewed 58 books in 2012, so it is important not to get too far behind or I feel like the queue of unreviewed books is going to smother me.  So while last year I only resolved to do better, I am setting a more specific goal this year: In 2013 I resolve to do my best to never have more than 3 books waiting to be reviewed.
  • Consulting Resolution: I traveled a lot in 2012.  I did have a book come out, so it was important to get out and spread the word, but it was more than I like to travel for work.  However, I do love spreading the RA gospel to those who want to improve their service.  Thankfully, I am exploring new opportunities to tape webinars for library systems to use. I am doing my first two in March.  I am excited about the chance to make it easier both for me to provide continuing education and for busy library workers to take part in it. I think this is a nice compromise. So, if you are interested in having me come to your library, near or far, contact me and we can talk about how I can film a webinar for you and your staff.  I will even be using this technique to film an interview with a best selling author later this year.
So there are my 3 reading resolutions.  For today's Monday Discussion let me know yours. 

For past Monday Discussions click here.


  1. I am a children's librarian, so one of my reading resolutions this year is to read at least 20 adult books.

    My other resolution is part of a new (and ongoing) effort to improve my and my staff's RA skills. I'm requiring us all to read in a different genre every month and booktalk to each other, as well as fill out book review forms (including readalikes). So, I'm resolving to read widely in different genres this year (along with my staff!).

  2. John, Librarian At DawnJanuary 7, 2013 at 7:38 PM

    I resolve to read all the books I was given as presents this holiday season. One is a book that I've always wanted to read but for some reason never have: The Prince by Machiavelli.

  3. My resolution for 2013 is to take the pressure off of myself. To read the books I want to read, rather than those I feel I have to read.

    Okay, that and at least two mystery novels.
