
Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday Discussion: What Are You Doing on World Book Night?

I can't believe it is here.  World Book Night is tomorrow. If you are unfamiliar with the event, go here for more information. But here's the short version.  World Book Night is sponsored by the major publishers and the ALA to have a day where people who love books go out into their communities, in mass, and give out books to anyone and everyone, no strings attached. Here is the full list of books that will be given away this year.

Many readers of the blog are involved with the event whether they are a pick-up location for givers or are givers themselves. So for today's Monday Discussion I thought I would give you all a chance to talk about what you are doing to celebrate tomorrow.

Here's my details.  I got the official okay from Marsha, the store manager at Berwyn's wonderful new Meijer store, to give away books at their location, inside the store, from  5-7 tomorrow night. I will be just inside the store giving away 10 copies of City of Thieves by David Benioff, my first choice, I swapped the other 10 copies with Jose for 10 copies of Looking for Alaska by John Green.  I also have 5 copies of Montana Sky by Nora Roberts because since the BPL was a pickup location for Givers, we were given some extra books. So I have 25 books with a wide range of appeal.

Team BPL also got shirts to wear as we spread out across Berwyn and give out books.

I am so excited to be a part of World Book Night for another year. As it says on the official sign, seen here at the top of the post, World Book Night is all about sharing the love of reading, spreading the joy of books, and celebrating the wonder of stories.  This is my passion, my life's work, and my personal joy.  To be a part of such a great event is a dream come true. I will take some pictures tomorrow night and post them on the blog Wednesday.

Now it's your turn.  Share your plan for World Book Night tomorrow.  How are you celebrating?

For past Monday Discussions click here.


  1. John, Librarian At DawnApril 22, 2013 at 2:07 PM

    I gave away two books that I had finished with to somebody. I don't know if this counts since I would have done so anyway. :)

  2. I have 20 copies of Fahrenheit 451 to give away beginning at 5:15 at the Oak Park Blue Line stop.
