
Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday Discussion: World Book Night Is Coming

Today's discussion is for the sole purpose of promoting your WBN activities.

World Book Night is always on April 23rd, which falls on a Wednesday this year.

Click here for the official word from the people who work so hard to make World Book Night Possible.

For the Monday Discussion today, please use the comments to share your book and where you will giving it out.

Click here for a list of every book that is being given out this year.  You can click on the cover to see more about the specific book and the author.

I will be at the SW corner of Cossitt Ave and Madison Ave in La Grange  from 2:15 until I run out of books giving out Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein.  I picked this location because it is the perfect spot to hand out my book, an award winning teen title with adult cross over.  At this location I will be by the elementary school as large numbers of high schoolers will walk by me and parents wait for their younger kids to get out of school. It is perfect!

Courtesy of a team of people here at the BPL, but mostly because Jose coordinated and made sure it got done, I will also have an annotated list of 3 readalikes on a book mark inside each book.  Every giver who picked up a box at the BPL was also given a stock of these created for their specific title.

So no matter where you live, share your WBN love by at least leaving the title you will be handing out even if you are not sure of (or don't want to share) the location.  IT is going to be a wonderful day of spreading the love of reading.

For past Monday Discussions, click here.


  1. This will be my first year as a book giver and I'm super excited! I'll be giving _Enchanted_ by Alethea Kontis. It is a YA story about the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter who comes into her power - both as a magician and as a woman. There are bits and bobs from a ton of traditional fairy tales and folk tales and they are woven together beautifully. I will be hanging out at Buzz Cafe in Oak Park sipping my latte and handing out free fiction during lunchtime and a little after.

  2. Verna will be handing out Bidge to Terabithia at the Oak Park Ave Metra stop in Berwyn at 6:30 am!

  3. This is also my first year as a giver. I'm really looking forward to the experience. I'm giving Code Name: Verity by Elizabeth Wein, a YA story about a young woman who is recruited as a spy for the British during World War II. When the book begins, she is already a prisoner of the Gestapo. I just love the first line of the book, "I am a coward." It's been a hard sell for me. I can't seem to get people to read it, but those who have, get caught up in it. Maybe I can get more folks to read it just by giving it away -- for free. I'm handing them out during rush hour at the Harlem Avenue metra station.

  4. I will be handing out "Where'd You Go Bernadette" by Maria Semple. My major "selling" point will be that she was a writer for "Arrested Development" - funny satire, right? I will be handing them out with two other Book Givers on our own mini pub crawl in Forest Park. It combines my two favorite things - books and beer.

  5. Angelica says-- I will be giving Code Name Verity out by East Ave, places around there include Dunkin Donuts and other businesses. I will hand out books, sometime around 11am

  6. This is my first year as a WBN giver. My book is 100 Best Loved Poems. In the mornng I'll be handing out books in Berwyn along Windsor and along Stanley. If I have books left after the morning, I'll be handing out the rest at night in Broadview around the Broadview Square shopping area.

  7. From Marissa: I will be passing out When I Was Puerto Rican at either the Oak Park metra station or Women’s Workout World on Cermak after work around 6 PM

  8. Kristen is handing books out to parents as they walk their kids to Irving School
