
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Booktalking Examples

One of my favorite new training programs that I have been offering is entitled “Booktalking: Harnessing the Power of Sharing Books with Readers.”

The point of this talk is to re-energize library workers, tapping into their love of books and showing everyone how easy it is to start a book talking habit.  Everyone wins- staff and patrons- when people share books at the library.

I always end this presentation with a book talk to serve as an example, normally of horror books because that’s my speciality, but people need more examples of themed books talks. The more varied the examples-- varied by type of book, person presenting, and their style-- the better you will all get at this art.

One of the groups I have done this talk for recently is the Massachusetts Library System [MLS]. Click here for that presentation.

On their extensive website of RA resources (compiled by, among others, my awesome friend and colleague Kristi Chadwick), MLS has an archive of book talks called 5 in 15. From the page:
In the newest addition to the Massachusetts Library System’s Readers’ Advisory lineup, starting today and on the 15th of every month, we will release a 15 minute booktalk to help you build your repertoire of recommended books. Each booktalk video will revolve around a theme and will be available on the MLS RA LibGuide. Plus if you want your titles to go – each one will be available as a podcast. Download and listen to them on the road!  
Each month we will deliver to you librarians covering five titles (front list and back list) that revolve around one central theme. What about you? Have you read 5 books?  We would love to feature YOU and your recommendations in a 5 in 15 booktalk, too! 
I have 2 RA training pleas today in relation to book talking. First, listen to some of these book talks so that you can see what it is all about.  I dare you to NOT be inspired by listening to a fellow librarian share 5 books he or she is passionate about. And second, take Kristi up on her offer above and create your own book talk of 5 books in 15 minutes to share with her, your colleagues, and your patrons.

The more books that are shared, the better off we all are.


  1. Becky, I'm planning to do something like this--short videos of my fav books of the year etc, to post to our facebook page or our SFVPLD readers facebook page--but I feel like I should only do books that are available at our library, but that limits me. So I probably will end up book talking some books that we don't have, and that's fine, right?

  2. I have two thoughts here Sonia. 1. You should start the service only with books you own and preferably NOT ones on the new shelf. But 2. since I know your system has excellent ILL doing books that are great but not in your collection is fine.

    I would post them to the page with a link to the SWAN record. As long as it is in SWAN, you are good.

    But get it started with a handful that are your books. Even if you topic is “great backlist reads available in the library right now!”
    Once it has some traction, do whatever books you want.
