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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Book Swap

I was visiting with my childhood best friend recently and she was reading an older Dean Koontz book. It was not a library book, and it wasn't a recent book store purchase, so I asked her where she got it.

She is a teacher and at the school where she works, once a month they do a "book swap." Anyone who wants to join in brings an adult book to literally throw on a table. Since they all have different schedules, the books pile up over the day and anyone can come in an select one for themselves.

She gets a lot of her books this way. She told me she enjoys how it allows her to try a new author or read something she normally wouldn't try. Once she finds something new that she enjoys, she then gets more at the library.

Working at a library myself, a book swap is kind of silly. At work and with my colleagues, we all book talk to each other and swap titles; then get on the catalog and look the book up to grab off the shelf or put on hold. This happens multiple times a day.

But talking to my friend made me realize how much harder it is for non library workers to get their hands on books quickly. They want to read but they don't always have the time to come into the public library and face the thousands of books we have on the shelf.  It can be quite overwhelming, especially if you are a busy working parent. Her work's book swap, gives these readers a smaller universe of books to peruse, at their workplace.

So I am encouraging all of you non library workers to consider the book swap at your workplace, or if you work from home start a neighborhood book swap. I think it is a great resource to introduce you to new authors and titles. Just please, don't swap any library books.

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