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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Using Book Trailers @ Your Library

I have followed the growth of book trailers for some time, but I have never quite figured out how these publisher and/or author produced videos can be used by libraries. Well thanks to blogger Stephen Abram and his work with the School Library Journal Leadership Summit, I wonder no longer. From his report:

How is your library using these trailers? Here are some ideas:
1. Start a book trailer blog. Just use the embed code and post 2-3 a day and you have a cute recommendation blog for books in your collection.
2. Troll publishers’ sites, author sites, author and publisher Facebook pages for trailers and link to them.
3. I am not good enough at MARC but is there a field to add a link to a trailer in the record?
4. Feature a trailer on your homepage every day/week.
5. Have teens and other users make their own trailers for books they like. (Here’s an opportunity for a contest / activity.)
6. Add more ideas in the comments.
Click here for his full post including links to book trailers. Personally, I love the idea (#3) of linking the trailers to the MARC record.  This would be cool and extremely useful.

If you are using book trailers successfully at your library, let me know how.

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