But before we begin, I wanted to remind readers of this blog, new and old, that one of my main reasons for starting RA for All was to share the work my students were doing with the wider library community. It was very frustrating to spend the semester watching them grow and to see some phenomenal work come out of the class, and then to simply lose it all once the students moved on. I wanted to capture their work to let it helps readers and librarians near and far. Since those early days, I have also set up a class blog specifically to archive the 5 annotations which each student is required to write in five different genres. Click here to access the blog.
Throughout the semester, I will be pointing you to their blog and commenting on each week's topics, issues, and resources. Teaching has been a great continuing education resource for me. The students expect me to be an expert, and their questions keep me on my toes. As a result, each week's class leads to a host of new information which I will then turn around and share here. Each of these posts will be labeled GSLIS 763 (the class code) to ease your searching.
So, look for a lot of activity here as it pertains to GSLIS 763 from now until the beginning of May. Between that and book revisions, I am going to be a busy lady. And if at any time you have questions or comments about what we are teaching, please let me know.
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