Happy Halloween everyone. And it's a Monday so we get to talk about it. Today's Monday discussion is easy and fun. What is your favorite Halloween memory? Share a few. I'll go first.
I fondly remember a favorite costume when I was probably 4th grade or so. My Aunt made me a robot costume out of a big box and lots of aluminum foil, but it was too big for me to wear in the car (we lived in a rural area and had to drive to a neighborhood to trick or treat). I remember getting to sit in the trunk of our station wagon for the ride. What a treat! I don't remember much about the costume, but I remember everything about the car ride.
My sister and I shared a room for many years. Coming home after gathering all of those treats meant we went to our room and began sorting and trading candy-- a tradition my kids still uphold. I would then stash the candy in my closet and parse it out over months, while my sister would gobble it all up in a few days. This still holds true as a sign of our differing personalities.
I also remember the year my parents went to a masked Halloween party as Miss Piggy and Richard Nixon. It's weird, but I can still clearly remember those costumes and I was only in first grade. Interestingly, the same age my son is now.
Speaking of the kiddies....that's who this holiday is really for. These days, I hope to make memories for my kids. I took today off of work so that I could be there for the Halloween parade at my kids' school. This is the first year (of only 3 total) that they will be in the Halloween parade together, at the same school. I have a devil and a ninja marching, and I will be proudly standing with 2 of their grandparents watching them go by, taking pictures, and hopefully making a favorite Halloween memory for them.
Your turn. No RA advice today. Just share your favorite Halloween memory.
And please take a moment to check out my 31 Days of Horror event over on the other blog.
But if you are too lazy (or scared) to click over there, at the very least click here to see me in today's Chicago Tribune.
And remember the Monday Discussion Archive lives here.
#HorrorForLibraries Giveaway: A Lethe Press 4 book Prize Pack
Today I have a stack of books by one of my favorite small presses. 2
finished books and 2 ARCs-- all for 1 lucky winner. Details below but
first, here ar...
1 day ago
My Halloween memory comes from my senior year in high school. I never dressed up in scary outfits-scary is not my thing. So for my friend's party I went as Mary Tyler Moore, I was super obsessed with the reruns of the show at that time. I wore a fabulous dress of my mom's that was from the seventies and a camel coat with a huge faux fur collar that was hers, also from that time period. My hair flipped out perfectly. It was totally awesome. I loved being Mary for that night.
My Halloween memory is when I
was about 8 years old and I
dressed up as a hobo. For some
reason, for the only time I
recall, my Dad dressed up too.
I have a photo of us sitting
together on my grandmother's
piano bench. Me in my hobo
outfit and him with a big, red
wig, a glowing nose and large
clown shoes waving at the
I was trick or treating with my friends. We were all about 10or 11 years old. We were sitting on someone's front lawn. I remember it was pitch dark outside. As we laid back on the lawn laughing over our haul, this guy in a scary mask leaps over us, screaming. We screamed out heads off and went right home after that. To this day, I can't forget it.
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