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Friday, December 9, 2011

The Blogs I Follow via RSS Feed

Yesterday when I was giving my talk to RASSL and I hit Rule 6: Read about books (RSS feeds), I do as I always do and mention the key blogs I think anyone who is helping leisure readers should be getting an RSS feed on:
They also wanted to know about a few more.  In fact, this is a question I get often, "What RSS feeds do you subscribe to?" I normally do not like forcing my personal preferences on others, but I have received this question often enough that I feel I should share it.

So here is a list of many (not all) of the other blogs and web pages for which I get the RSS feed.
I check these feeds, among a bunch of others, daily.  Some days I only read the headlines and "mark all as read," while other days, I read much of the content in detail.  The point is, I log into one place (my Google Reader), and the information comes to me.  I don't have to hunt and peck for anything.  I have no excuse NOT to be informed.

Why not make it your New Year's Resolution to do a better job on staying up on the latest news in the book world?  Subscribing to the feeds for these resources is the easiest way to do that.

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