I wear two hats at the BPL. The first is as a Readers' Advisory librarian. But I also have the important responsibility of being the library's liaison to the Friends of the Berwyn Library.
This week is National Friends of the Library Week. To celebrate, the staff at the BPL is spending the week thanking the Friends for all they do. Each department has created a thank you sign to post at their desks, and I have a large wipe board out near the entrance of the library asking patrons to leave their thanks to the Friends.
The Friends themselves have a few things planned including a program on Saturday, and the grand opening of their "Take a Book, Leave a Book" shelf at one of the commuter train stations, on Tuesday morning.
But from the library's perspective, we are spending our time this week by thanking them. So for today's Monday Discussion, take a moment to thank the Friends group from your library. These volunteers spend their time to make their communities' libraries better and stronger purely out of the goodness of their hearts.
I will begin. I want to thank the Friends for their dedication to the BPL. But specifically, I want to thank them for making Kathy's and my dream of a monthly Trivia Night a reality. We could never afford to run this event more than once or twice a year without them. And being able to bring the library to a bar once a month, raising our exposure, and showing the community that the library can be fun, is a huge boon for the Library. Thank you so much for believing in us enough to give us $1,000 of the money you raise to sponsor a year's worth of Trivia Nights.
Now it's your turn. Leave your thanks in the comments below.
#HorrorForLibraries Giveaway: A Finished Paperback of Boys in the Valley by
Today I have a book that was one of the top reads of 2023 and to celebrate
its paperback release I have a copy you can add to your collection
4 days ago
I would also like to thank the Berwyn Friends of the Library for making Trivia Night possible. As Becky said we could not do it without their support. I also want to thank them for lending their non-monetary support by attending programs and books clubs and by regularly frequenting the library. Their day-to-day support, including talking up the library and its programs at every chance possible, is what makes me appreciate the Friends most.
In addition to their financial support and support of programs, I am thankful that the Friends are truly friends of the library. They come to the building with friendly and encouraging words. They are genuinely there to make the library a better place.
I'm always glad to see any of the Friends when they stop in. We usually wind up encouraging each other in our reading habits and recommending books to each other.
Without the Friends, the Berwyn Library would not be the place it has become. We are most grateful for the Friends of the Berwyn Library.
And we love the book sale!
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