RA for All will be on holiday all next week, which means this is the last Monday before Thanksgiving for the Monday Discussion. Each year, I have asked you to chime in on what in your professional life you are most thankful for.
I'll go first.
I am thankful that although there is a lot of change going on at our library-- change in staff, change in director, change in an entirely new catalog, changes to our building coming soon---that our patrons keep coming in day after day, with their questions, reading requests, and eagerness to use our services. Things may appear to be in flux, but in reality, none of the most important things really change, The building and the books are firmly entrenched, and they not going anywhere!
Today is also book club day. I am thankful to each and every one of the members of my book club. We all learn so much from each other and we have fun together. Our meetings truly are the highlight of my month at work.
I am also thankful that the oft predicted demise of the printed book and libraries has not come to fruition. I am bombarded with emails on the hottest new books, my new shelves are overflowing with options for readers, and patrons have been leaving with arm-fulls of books all morning. People are reading lots of ebooks too. We keep adding more, but the ease of ebooks only appears to be adding to the amount they are reading in all formats. It is a boon for readers.
No matter where I work now or in the future, I will always be thankful for books.
For today's Monday Discussion, share what you are most thankful for in your chosen field of librarianship.
For past Monday Discussions, click here.
#HorrorForLibraries Giveaway: A Lethe Press 4 book Prize Pack
Today I have a stack of books by one of my favorite small presses. 2
finished books and 2 ARCs-- all for 1 lucky winner. Details below but
first, here ar...
3 days ago
This may sound simple but I do not take it for granted. I am thankful to be doing a job I love without being miserable. I have seen so many people who go to occupations they hate each day. I am thankful I'm not one of them!
I'm thankful to be a part of a professional community that values service, personal growth and thoughtful change. Librarians are great to have as colleagues!
I am thankful that we have positive influences at the public desk in our library. Very important.:)
I am thankful for having wonderful coworkers to share both professional and personal joys and sorrows with.
I am thankful for RA mentors and collaborators who help me get better and better at this important skill.
I am thankful for all the incredible bosses I've had over the years.
I am thankful for colleagues that "get" me.
I'm thankful for colleagues that collaborate and work together as a best meet the needs of the patrons.
I am thankful for the satisfaction that I (and the patron) get when I am able to match them up with a book they love.
I am thankful that I have the opportunity to gush and geek out about my favorite books.
I am thankful for books.
I am thankful for the daily interactions I have with the teens at BPL. We have an amazing group of young adults here.
I am thankful for the improvements that have already occurred in the department. Progress may be slow, but I can see the change. And it's beautiful.
I am thankful for all the new faces, challenges, and rewards on the horizon. We have a vision for what the library ought to be for teens, and we will continue to make strides to create that space for these oft-overlooked patrons.
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