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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Five Other Librarian Bloggers to Follow

One of the best things about our profession is that it truly is International.  Helping patrons is helping people. People are people regardless of which country they reside in.

11 months ago, I had the chance to address a group of Australian Librarians who were interested in working with horror leisure readers. One of the wonderful outcomes of that presentation is the host of Australian librarians I got to “meet.”

Thanks to technology, and despite a crazy time difference that makes catching up with them difficult, I am still able to follow them regularly through Twitter.  In particular I enjoy following @MyleeJoseph and @EllenForsyth.

All of this intro is leading up to how I found this interesting article on Five Librarian Bloggers To Follow from Information Today in a Tweet from @MyleeJoseph. Ironically, I found a link to this article from an Australian librarian to a New Jersey based publication...and I’m the native Jersey girl.  [I love irony.]

Back to the article. If you are reading this post, you enjoy following the blog of a librarian, one who has a very specific niche albeit, but still, you are reading one.  So, I figured there was a chance you would want to see five other examples that represent a much broader view of librarianship too.

Check them out. Some you may have already known about, but I would venture not all were familiar.

And while you are out exploring other options, also consider following librarians from other countries too.  There is too much we share not to make some effort connecting with each other.

See you back here tomorrow with some reviews.

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