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Friday, June 12, 2015

Audiobook Appeal and More for Audiobook Month

So it is no secret here that I am a huge consumer of audiobooks.  I have not always been, however.  In fact, I can trace my conversion from audiobook illiterate to fiend to one person...Joyce Saricks.

Currently, Joyce is the Audio Editor over at Booklist. But before that, we co-taught a RA class for over 7 years together. Since we had a day when we discussed audiobooks included in the syllabus, I was forced to start listening to audiobooks on a more regular basis [so I could know what I was talking about]. I had Joyce help me pick out those first few titles, and now, I have become quite adept at helping myself and others with this format.

You can click here to see my many posts on helping readers to find the right audio book for them.

And now it is June, which in case you didn’t know is audiobook month. As I am sure you can guess, Joyce and her employer have a lot of great information to share with all of us.  I cannot think of a better person to explain the joy of audiobooks to you, so I have compiled a few links for you today:

For all things audiobooks on RA for All, click here including my list of my favorite audiobook resources.

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