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Tuesday, July 3, 2018

More Best of the Year So Far

A few weeks ago I had this post about what a wonderful resource "best books of the year so far” lists can be. Today I saw another one worth pointing out-- Book Riot’s Best Books of 2018 So Far which is well indexed and easy to surf by genre and age level. I even includes a comics category.

Add this to your "best books" arsenal and use it like I described here to help readers. Best books lists are a great secret weapon since readers will trust our recommendations even more as long as someone liked the book. Finding it on a “best” list is that “someone” who liked it. Truly, it is this easy. Again, I explain this in more detail in this post from last month.

My only problem with this specific Book Riot resource is that I cannot figure out how to find the previous year’s best list archives; however, Book Riot has so many “best” lists all of the time, from best of each month, to best of each genre, to completely random best categories that you can easily use it to help people; they have multiple lists every day. Finding the “archive” may not be a useful proposition in this case. Instead, just click here for a wide variety of “best” options using their #Lists for 24/365 access to an ever expanding depository of “best lists.” I promise there is enough there to help even the most stubborn or difficult to please reader.

Have a nice mid-week July 4h Holiday. I’ll be back on Thursday.

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