Here in my neck of the woods it is graduation weekend, as it is in a lot of places. This time of year, people are always looking for the perfect book to give graduates. Currently, Oh, the Places You'll Go! has become the go to book to give graduates.
But why?
Well, Ron Charles of the Washington Post, takes a fun and extremely informative deep dive into how and why this book has become THE book people give. The article, entitled "How Dr. Seuss's 'Oh, the Places You'll Go' became a graduation-gift cliche," looks at what used to be the most popular book gifts as well as why the Dr. Seuss title has captured this generation of gift givers.
This article was fascinating both as a look into the book itself and why people connect with it. I also found it interesting as a RA exercise into appeal. Charles analyzes the givers and the gift getters and wow, is he spot on here. And it is brutally honest, which I also appreciated.
So give the article a read whether you are in the market for a grad gift or not; it will help you be better at your job in general.
Also, here is the link to the book I give every single high school graduate. Wonder what this says about me?
#HorrorForLibraries Giveaway: New Chuck Wendig and a Bonus Book
Today I have an ARC of one of the hottest books of Spring (a book so hot I
lost out on the chance to review it) and a finished book by a lesser known
6 days ago
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