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Monday, June 10, 2019

Library Journal Day of Dialog Recaps

Interestingly, I have spent much of today putting together my own personal ALA Annual schedule [which by the way, I have made public on the app and site so you can see where I will be if you want], but let us not forget the wonderful Library Journal Day of Dialog that recently happened at Book Expo.

I was not able to make it to NYC for this event, so like many of you, I am super excited to access the panel recaps written by LJ Staff.

Click here to see them all. You can learn about what happened, who was there, what the hot books for fall will be.

Pair the recaps with this post I wrote about how to use the LJ Book Expo Galley Guide as an RA tool and this link to see the Twitter chatter from the entire day [you do not need a Twitter log in to view].

Use this post as a reminder about conferences in general. Not everyone can go. I know that. But those of us who do get to go, many of of work hard to bring you recaps that while not the same as being there, can still help you....a lot.

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