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Monday, June 12, 2023

Publisher's Library Marketing Resources

[Eds note: Today's post is useful, but short, but I have a good reason. I was invited to this bill signing. More about that event and how public librarianship requires advocacy in a much longer post on the blog tomorrow.] 

We are inching closer to ALA Annual and even if you are not going, now is a good time to remind everyone about the fact that many publishers have marketing departments specifically for the library  market. And all of them are preparing a lot of information and resources as the move toward ALA.

The most common question I get about the library marketing teams from local library workers is "Will they even care about me because my library is small?" The answer is yes. Every single library worker no matter how small your library, no matter how small your budget, all of the library marketing teams want to connect with you.

You can find a full list of all of the Library Marketing Reps with links to their social media and websites on the "Resources" page from LibraryReads or on EarlyWord who are the originators and managers of this list. 

But I wanted to give you direct access to one of the best library marketing web resources here on the blog so you can see what kinds of content you can expect. Harper Collins' Library Love Fest page is chock full of content and resources for you. They have upcoming events in the center, but also in both gutters, all of the links you would need for all of their upcoming titles for Adult readers from podcasts, to digital ARCs, to how to participate in virtual Book Buzzes on YouTube to galley chats on Twitter and more!

Explore those resources today, bookmark the pages from LibraryReads or EarlyWord, and make a point to check back frequently. At the very least, signup for all of their newsletters. I promise you, they are very worth it because these newsletters are tailored exactly to our library needs.

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