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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Black History Month For All

I know black history month ends tomorrow, but for those of you who meant to read a book by an African American author, here is a site that you can use all year long. Called, White Readers Meet Black Authors, this blog is:
"Your official invitation into the African American section of the bookstore! A sometimes serious, sometimes light-hearted plea for EVERYBODY to give a black writer a try"
This site is chocked full of useful information. But more importantly, I love the tone of the blog. Many white readers are hesitant to ask for help finding African American authors, but here is a resource asking you to ask. I love it!  My only quibble is that she should add "library" after bookstore.

Don't forget the BPL's annotated lists for Black History Month which I posted about here.

Thanks to Rebecca over at Shelfrenewal for pointing out this site.

And finally, a special note to my students...use this site if you are still trying to find a multicultural title for class.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

I like Kim McLarin, Elizabeth Nunez, and Trisha R. Thomas, among others!