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Thursday, December 1, 2011

An Interesting Take on "Best" Lists

Readers of this blog know I am a big supporter of NPR, but no matter how you feel about public radio, it is hard to deny that they have some of the best book coverage of any major media outlet.

This year they took the idea of picking the best books of the year and turned it on its head.  Over the next few weeks their critics are picking the "best" book around a certain topic.  So far they have done:

What I love about these best lists is that they give a chance for some different books to shine.  Yes, The Art of Fielding and The Tiger's Wife show up here, but so too does the final installment of Guillermo del Toro's The Strain Trilogy and the latest novel by the great Lawrence Block.

If you click on any of the above lists, there will be links to the other lists  (and any new ones that go up in the meantime).  I can't wait to see what new ideas the editors at NPR Books come up with next.

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