I can come to your library, book club meeting, or conference to talk about how to help your readers find their next good read. Click here for more information including RA for All's EDI Statement.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Trending: Infographics

In keeping with yesterday's theme of Graphic Novels, today's post comes courtesy of Susan Brown's blog 658.8--Practical Marketing for Public Libraries, and is part of my irregular "Trending" series where I take a look at trends and try to give you some practical advice on how to incorporate them into to your work with readers.

Yesterday, Brown had this post, RA Goes Graphic, where she highlighted an infographic readalike chart to help readers of The Hunger Games find their next book.

Infographics are becoming very popular as easy ways to get a larger point across.  Click through to see more examples and a few articles explaining how you can create your own.

Thanks Susan.  I am currently working on setting up my first Pinterest boards (summer goal), but I am an even bigger fan of infographics.  I think making my own will be one of my goals for this coming Fall.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Thanks for the promo, Becky! We love Pinterest at LPL and the same fab libraian who made the Hunger Games chart is also our Pinterest Queen - she has really upped our Pinterest presence. Check out our boards here - http://pinterest.com/lawrencelibrary/