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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Death Brackets: Crime Division

As promised, today I debut the display that John and I have been working on for the election season-- Berwyn Public Library Author Death Brackets.  The display will be going up tomorrow at the library and when I am back in the building on Thursday I will post pictures of John's fabulous visuals.

There is a description of the main idea of the Death Brackets as well as a credit for the original idea at the start of each list.  At the library, the lists come as book marks; on the blog they are just text.  Also in the library, we will have books by the 32 finalists on display, as well as books by some of the other authors who are among our patrons' absolute favorites.  In fact, this entire display is a tribute to the patrons of the BPL and the authors they love.

Here is the general rundown.  There are 4 Divisions: Crime, Literary, Speculative and Romance,  After each bracket is completed, there is a Ultimate Showdown featuring survivors of each division.  I will post them one a day for the next 5 days.  I will probably have other posts during that time too.  You can also follow the using the Death Bracket 2012 tag.

One last note, I have to admit I had a lot of fun using the authors' own works as the basis for placing them against each other, and although they "die" one by one in this series, it is all meant to be in good fun.

Let the battle begin....

Welcome to the 2012 Author Death Brackets where some of the Berwyn Public Library’s most popular, living authors will participate in a virtual battle to see who comes out alive to claim the title as the favorite (and toughest) author among our patrons. There are 4 categories of 8 authors paired against each other, with the winner of each bracket squaring off in a final four battle.

The Death Brackets are to be taken with a sense of humor.  The library does not condone violence or wish bad things upon these authors.  We do, however, hope to lighten the tense election atmosphere by electing our own sole survivor.

[The idea of author death brackets and the graphic were originally conceived at http://www.criminalelement.com]


Round One: 4 Battles
James Patterson vs. Harlan Coben
Patterson and Coben both write addictive, fast paced suspense novels that rack up long holds lists with each new release, but ultimately Patterson’s legion of partner writers and his 10-12 titles released a year overwhelms Coben, crushing him under the weight of Patterson’s seemingly unfathomable number of tomes. Winner: Patterson

Michael Connelley vs, Lee Child
This is a tough one. Connelley’s 2 popular series, one following a detective and the other a lawyer are intricately plotted mysteries that keep readers on their toes, but series heroes don’t come much tougher or more resourceful than Lee Child’s living off the grid, Vietnam Vet, Jack Reacher. In the end, Reacher’s ability to improvise on the fly serves him well.  Winner: Child

Louise Penny vs. Mary Higgins Clark
Clark is the queen of suspense.  Her strong, independent heroines are constantly placed in harm’s way but always manage to save the day. In the other corner is Louise Penny and her lovable Chief Inspector Armand Gamache series. Clark has a Mystery Award named for her, while Penny has been racking up an award for each new book in her series.  In the end, our patrons’ preference of multi-books series over stand-alone titles provides the knock out blow, sending Clark to the mat.  Winner: Penny

Janet Evanovich vs. Gillian Flynn
Evanovich writes funny, sexy and outrageous mysteries that continue to draw in fans old and new,19 books into the series. Flynn is a new comer, whose latest psychological suspense novel was a surprise best-selling phenomenon. Her dark moody novels make her Evanovich’s polar opposite. When placed in a face off, Evanovich should have the easy victory, but Flynn pulls out one of her shocking plot twists, disorienting the light-hearted Evanovich just long enough to finish her off, providing this round’s most shocking upset. Winner: Flynn 

Round Two: 2 Battles
James Patterson vs. Lee Child
In the first battle of Round 2 the men square off.  However, while Jack Reacher is much tougher than any Patterson hero, it is again Patterson’s minions who invade the battle arena.  The loner Reacher cannot hold off an entire room full of co-writers, and although Reacher performs admirably, he is only able to slay four authors before the fifth takes him down for good.  Patterson doesn’t even break a sweat. Winner: Patterson

Louise Penny vs. Gillian Flynn
Our second battle features a fight between two female authors, both of who were library patrons’ favorites for years before they broke on to the bestseller list. Penny’s detective is smart but his need to play by the book is expertly counterbalanced by Flynn’s unreliable narrators. Both are universally loved by the Library’s patrons, but in the end, the Flynn pulls out her secret weapon…she came to our Library. The patrons rise up in revolt, pitchforks raised, to be the deciding factor here. Winner: Flynn

Round Three: 1 Battle
James Patterson vs. Gillian Flynn
Patterson may have 30 patrons who want each of his books placed on automatic hold, but as we have seen in the previous rounds, Flynn may look innocent but she fights dirty.  The battle to emerge from the Crime Bracket is long and bloody, but in the end, the librarians take a stand against Patterson and his budget busting publication schedule. They arm themselves for battle behind Flynn, who came to our library for free.  Patterson and his minions have finally met their match.  And with one final shocking twist played against Patterson’s stock plots, Flynn narrowly escapes with her life and the victory.
Crime Winner: Flynn

2701 S. Harlem Ave
Berwyn, IL 60402

1 comment:

Brandi B said...

This was just awesome.