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Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday Discussion: Election Reading

Well, tomorrow is the big decision day.  Here at the BPL, I will be unveiling our antidote to the tense election season tomorrow and running it all week-- the Author Death Brackets. By the way, I am hoping the election is decided before my 5 post series ends.

Today though let's take a more traditional look at Presidential reads. Intern Bill made us this great list of Presidential fiction available at the BPL.
But this year, I am too nervous and tense to go with a realistic read.  I think I need some humor to lighten the mood.  My pick is Taft 2012.  Click here for the post I did back in January previewing this novel's release; it includes a book trailer video.

What about you?  For today's Monday Discussion, let me know what book you would suggest for election night reading.

For past Monday Discussions, click here.


John, Librarian At Dawn said...

The Anarchist: A Novel by John Smolens. Relieves tension for sure.

Mike said...


As a huge fan of presidential
non-fiction, I have to recommend
Ron Chernow's Washington: A Life
and Edmund Morris' three volume
work on Theodore Roosevelt. As
for fiction Fletcher Knebel's
Night of Camp David is very good.
Tells the story of a Vice-
President who concludes that
the President is becoming
mentally unstable. May add to
"Election tension' more than
relieve it, but a good read.