It is hard to believe it but this is the last Monday Discussion before the unofficial start of summer. RA for All will be off next Monday to celebrate Memorial Day, so today is our chance to get a jump on summer.
For today's Monday Discussion, I want us to share what books we are most excited to read this summer. They do not have to be the newest or hottest books either.
Are you going to read a book you have been waiting to get to all year? Is your favorite author coming out with a new title? Is there a classic you've always wanted to read and have been saving for this summer?
To help, here is the link to Reader's Advisor Online's Hot Prospects for 2013 list. The early summer reading lists are at the top. Also, Book Expo America is just on the horizon and Kirkus Reviews published this special BEA issue with reviews of 160 of the buzziest books from BEA.
As usual, I'll go first. For me, I still have Justin Cronin's The Twelve to get to. Since it is an ARC paperback, I figure it is good to bring to the pool this summer. I also have a stack of JournalStone horror ARCs to get to. But I am holding off on any big plans because I know I will have 3 days at the ALA Annual Conference here in Chicago where I will be introduced to new authors and/or new books that I will be dying to read.
Also, later today the Monday Afternoon Book Club is meeting and they will be turning in their final votes for the July-December selections. That will let me know some of what I will be reading this summer too.
Now it is your turn. What are you excited to read this summer?
For past Monday Discussions, click here.
#HorrorForLibraries Giveaway: A Finished Paperback of Boys in the Valley by
Today I have a book that was one of the top reads of 2023 and to celebrate
its paperback release I have a copy you can add to your collection
4 days ago
I've had Wolf Hall on my Kindle since the day I bought it just before Christmas. I've read about 5% of the book, and I'm really liking it, but.... There is so much out there to read!
So I will take the Kindle with me on any trips we take and get that book done. Then I can start on Bring Up the Bodies.
Most of the anticipated "big" sellers this summer are mysteries and thrillers which will suit many readers to a "t." I will be looking forward to the newest Kate Burkholder book, Her Last Breath by Linda Castillo. A little different and a little quirky will be The Thinking Woman's Guide to Real Magic by Emily Croy Barker which I think will be right for those of us who are still waiting to finish Deborah Harkness' All Souls Trilogy. BUT - the book I'll stay up reading this season will be non-fiction: The Astronaut Wives Club by Lily Koppel. I cannot wait!!
One of my favorite graphic novel artists, Paul Pope, came out with a crime tale called The One Trick Rip-Off which I'm really looking forward to.
The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes, even though I'm wary over the serial killer aspect.
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