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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Are You Ready For Some Football...Books?

I know I am not the only one-- librarian or patron-- who is psyched that tonight marks the beginning of FOOTBALL!!!!

There are lots of us out there, men and women, who love the NFL.  Take me for instance.  I spent my high school years at just about every NY Giants home game (and a few away ones) and now as an adult living in Chicago, I am a Bears season ticket holder. This weekend I get to go to a game live and still get home in time to see the Giants on TV.

I am also in a few different football pools and one long standing, fairly competitive fantasy football league.

Again, I am not alone.  The NFL only runs for a few months, but it generates huge interest, ratings, and dollars.  A visitor to Chicago during any season would be hard pressed not to see at least a handful of people sporting Bears clothing or accessories.

So take advantage of all of this interest and get a quickie display up this weekend.  Here are some lists and ideas to help you:

This should be enough for you to make a nice display.  Mix up the fiction and nonfiction and throw in a few movies if you can. This link will take you to the IMDB list of the 642 movies and TV shows that have the keyword "american-football." You are bound to have a few at your library.

Then, sit back and watch the displayed items fly off the shelves as excitement builds for a new season of the NFL.

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