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Friday, December 6, 2013

ILA 2014: Call for Proposals

As I mentioned here, I am serving on this year’s planning committee to the Illinois Library Association’s Annual Conference to be help in Springfield from October 14-16, 2016.

As you can see, we now have  a logo. But the real reason I am posting today is that the website as well as the call for proposals just went live today!

If you have an idea for a program to present at the conference please go here and fill out a proposal.  

But more importantly, if you feel very strongly about your idea and want to talk to me about it in more depth, please feel free to contact me. I am only one vote in a group of about a dozen, but those of you who know me, know I am a loud vote.

But seriously, if I like your idea and think you will do a good job, I will go to bat for you.  Conversely, if you have only a vague notion of what you would like to share at the conference, I would also be willing to talk to you about the idea and help you to shape it into a proposal/program.

Training librarians is a passion of mine. I want all of you to succeed and I want the conference to be great, so a little extra work on my part to make both of those things happen, is well worth my time.

Also, please note that you do not have to live in Illinois to submit a proposal.  If you can get there and your idea is a good fit for us, we’d love to have you.

So what are you waiting for? Click here now.

I wil be submitting a proposal myself on Monday-- Kickstarting Your Book Club.

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