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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

New Issue of Corner Shelf Featuring Joyce Saricks’ Column on Psychological Suspense

I’m back from the Columbus Day holiday.....

Yesterday, a new issue of The Corner Shelf-- Booklist’s newsletter on “Where Readers' Advisory Meets Collection Development” came out. Click here to access the entire issue.

Here is the editor’s note which previews the issue:
No matter how widely read we consider ourselves to be, every librarian has a favorite genre or two. I like to think a healthy mix of reading preferences makes for a better library staff, and so I'm giving all of you who consider yourself "book floozies" (I prefer to call myself "the Booklist slattern") permission to celebrate your love of anything deemed nonserious. Nicolette Warisse Sosulski provides the "Real Life Reference" column for our Top Shelf Referencenewsletter, and I'm delighted to give her the opportunity to show her fiction skills off to Corner Shelf readers with her feature, "I Am a Book Floozy.” 
This issue also features part 2 of Robin Bradford's interview series featuring self-published authors, a new "Weeding Tips" column, and a look at how our sponsor, Baker & Taylor, seeks customer satisfaction in "At the Corner of Baker & Taylor: In Pursuit of Customer Delight." And just in time for Halloween reading, a link to Joyce Saricks' recent "At Leisure" column, focusing on creepy psychological suspense. 
As always, I love to hear about what you'd like to see featured in Corner Shelf, particularly if you are interested in submitting a feature item. Get in touch with me at rvnuk@ala.org. 
Rebecca Vnuk, Editor, Reference and Collection Management, Booklist

Although the entire issue is worth your time, I did want to take a moment to point out Joyce’s Saricks’ column this month both because it is useful AND the link in the newsletter is wrong.

It’s all about my favorite genre-- psychological suspense [link goes to all RA for All posts tagged with that genre].

Psychological Suspense is a great genre to suggest at Halloween time, as Joyce describes in the column at length.

When Joyce and I taught together [beginning back in 2004], we were always advocating for people to consider psychological suspense as its own genre. For many years, it was an uphill battle.  I am so glad others have begun to enjoy it as much as we always have.

Back tomorrow with some reviews.

And don’t forget, RA for All Horror is going strong with a post a day all month.

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