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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

ALA Midwinter Meetings Galley Guide Courtesy of LJ

ALA’s Midwinter Meeting are right about the corner. And with this conference comes all of the excitement of the librarian choices for book awards.  [Expect 2/12 on this blog to be devoted to this topic.]

But before we have any major library conference, Library Journal’s Barbara Hoffert has us all covered with her great Galley Guides.  Midwinter 2018 is no exception.  Here is her Galley Guide for the meeting.

As I have mentioned many times before, but most recently here, whether or not you are present at the conference in question, these galley guides can help you immensely.  I will not repeat myself as to why. You can go here and learn.

For now, take a look at the current Galley Guide, and especially this post by me on how to use it to help patrons right away. Seriously, even though many of these books aren’t coming out for a while, I have proven tips and tricks on how to make this preview work for you today!

Plus it is just fun to preview all of the info about the books that will be coming out. Don’t forget, even if you are not going to Denver, you can still request galleys of all of these titles via NetGalley and Edelweiss to nominate them for Library Reads. Click here for details on how to do that. You need not be a “Librarian,” you just have to work at a library.

1 comment:

Cari said...

Eeeeee, thanks for posting this!!