Today I am on my way to StokerCon in Providence, RI. I will be running the Librarians’ Day tomorrow [details here] tomorrow. I will post a wrap up of the panels from that day on Friday. I will also have posts on the horror blog after the Con about what I learned Friday and Saturday.
I also hope to have the publishers’ book buzz presentations up here on Thursday, but I cannot promise that it will be up before they present. That’s the plan, but I am co-organizing an entire day of programming, so who knows.
But while, I cannot promise RA for All the blog will run as smoothly as usual, I can give you a post today to get you excited for horror whether you are joining us or not and whether you like it yourself or not.
First, Lit Reactor posted this article/info graphic, “Horror:Definng the Genre, Sub-genres, Styles, and More.” This is a wonderful resource for everyone who helps any horror readers, from an expert like me to a scaredy cat-- and all levels in between.
Second, here is my primer on helping horror readers from the May 2017 issue of Library Journal.
Third, I will continue my #HorrorForLibraries selfies from last year with pics of me and the authors you should carry in your libraries. You can always use this link [it can also be found in my Horror Review Index] to pull up those pictures or you can watch the Twitter widget on the blog in the right gutter. I anticipate those beginning as early as later today.
And finally, you need to care about horror this week because on Saturday night- March 3, 2018, the Bram Stoker Award winners will be announced. You can watch the live stream at 8pm eastern-- bookmark this page for details. And you should watch right at the beginning because I will be up there co-presenting the award for Best Nonfiction. I will also be live Tweeting all of the awards again, as I did last year.
Genre awards time is the best time to check your collections and consider adding some new authors and titles for your readers. Here is my periodic reminder on how to use awards lists as a RA tool. That post also includes the 2018 Stoker Awards final ballot.
Now I am off to catch my plane to Providence.
#HorrorForLibraries Giveaway: A Lethe Press 4 book Prize Pack
Today I have a stack of books by one of my favorite small presses. 2
finished books and 2 ARCs-- all for 1 lucky winner. Details below but
first, here ar...
2 days ago
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