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Friday, July 27, 2018

RWA Librarian’s Day Keynote Speech by Sonali Dev

Click here to listen
Readers of this blog know that Sonali Dev is a friend of libraries, especially those in the Chicago area. 

Well recently, a much larger audience got to hear her wisdom, as she was invited to give the Librarian’s Day Keynote speech at this month’s Romance Writers of America’s annual conference.

She addresses so many issues here in only 26 minutes. But the crux is “who is allowed to speak.” As usual she eloquently shares her personal story, while making it relatable to all of us. Yes it is about inclusion and diversity, but it also about so much more. It is about why everyone needs to have a voice and why that is important for us all. It is about the power of speech, how great it is, but also how it also can cause problems.

Yes it is centered around the Romance Genre, but it is a speech for all library workers to hear. It is a speech for all readers, no matter their genre preferences, to hear. It is for everyone. Just listen.

Every second is worth your time. It is the perfect way to end your week on a good note [and goodness knows we could all use that], and it is only a click away. 

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