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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Jonathan Lethem Recommends

As I mentioned here, I wrote the readalike article for Jonathan Lethem on NoveList. He also has a new book out today. Yeah!

As part of his parade on the media circuit flogging Chronic City, Lethem was on The Daily Beast, with his annotated suggestions of his 5 favorite "icy" novels-- those that take place in cold settings.

I like the varied suggestions, but what I really love is reading what he (and for that matter any author I like) had to say about each novel.

Another great resource for finding lists of the books your favorite authors enjoys is Fantastic Fiction. Here is Lethem's entry. Go to the bottom to find the "Jonathan Lethem Recommends" section. Each author has a "recommends" section on this website and they have over 25,000 author entries. Try your favorite.

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