The BPL is open. There is no noticeable smell of smoke on the first floor, and just a bit up and down. But I will not be able to test my cross training theory.
However, I did have a great first patron this morning. He came in looking for Little Women and then wanted some info about it. After chatting for a few minutes, I found out he and his girlfriend were suggesting books to each other. He had me pull Steven Pressfield's The Virtues of War for her to read.
This "he said...she said" type of readers advisory has been explored before, but I was impressed by this couple's initiative. Now I am constantly suggesting books to my husband, but many of you probably do not try to get your significant other to read your favorite books.
I think this is a wonderful idea to improve communication in any relationship, not just spouses, but parents and children, co-workers, etc... But choose wisely and read them at the same time. I can pretty much guarantee an interesting discussion will follow.
#HorrorForLibraries Giveaway: A Special Edition of Their Monstrous Hearts
Today I have an ARC of one of the hottest books of Spring (a book so hot I
lost out on the chance to review it) and a finished book by a lesser known
3 hours ago
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