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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Booklist Online Article Featuring BPL RA Fearless Leader

Kudos to Kathy, our fearless leader, who is featured in the latest issue of Booklist Online's newsletter The Corner Shelf: Where Readers' Advisory Meets Collection Development

She is part of the Readers' Advisory Reality column in which librarians from all over the country talk about the current state of RA.  Also featured is my friend and fellow ARRT Steering Committee member Magan who also happens to be an unofficial member of the BPL RA Dream Team.

Click through to read the entire newsletter with articles about weeding, and interview with Katie Mediatore Stover Director of Readers' Services at the Kansas City (MO) Public Library, and an article about using Pintrest.

There is lots of valuable, hands-on information in this newsletter for anyone working with leisure readers.

1 comment:

Christi said...

Yay, Kathy! I actually stumbled across this in my own reading. It was a great article.