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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Reminder: USA Today Book Section

I realized it’s been awhile since I have talked about the USA Today’s book coverage.

People, say what you want about the newspaper, but it has some pretty stellar book coverage. In fact, in terms of how much it helps me to help patrons, there really are no other general periodical websites that I use as regularly.

One of the the things I like most about their coverage is their best seller list. It has the top 150 books in one list....together.  Yes, as someone who mostly works with adult readers, and mostly fiction readers, I appreciate more specialized lists, but there is something powerful in the USA Today list.  Nowhere else can you get a snapshot of the most popular books, ranked purely by sales, regardless of audience, format, or genre, all in one place.

If you are helping leisure readers at the public library, you NEED to check this list weekly to understand what America is reading.

Besides the best seller list, the book section publishes articles, interviews, and reviews every day.  Go on over and check it our for yourself.

Don’t be a book snob and think you are too good for the USA Today book section. It is a treasure trove of up to date information for you and your patrons.

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