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Thursday, September 15, 2016

Booklist Spotlight on Romance

My most favorite issue of Booklist for the year is now available.

Okay, I know I just confused at least half of my readers because many of you know that I publicly proclaim Romance as my least favorite genre to read for my own enjoyment. That is still true, but it is also 100% why the Spotlight on Romance issue is my favorite. I can use it to catch up on everything I need to know for the last year in the genre.

By the way, you should do this too; make the spotlight issue for your least favorite genre your most favorite issue of Booklist each year. Trust me, it is awesome. You can become extremely knowledgeable about the best books, trends, and issues in the genre without much effort.  [Psst...It is also a good way to identify a book or two to try if you are still trying to follow this Call to Action from last month.]

But back to Romance.  Here are some of the best things you can find because of this issue and they are all accessible with a click [with my extra comments in [ ]:

  • Top 10 Romance for 2016 [Only the best of my least favorite genre; someone else is telling me what I need to know about. I will put most of these on hold and then at least speed read them to get an overall snapshot of the genre at its current best. Should only take a few hours and I will be up to date.]
  • Top 10 Romance Debuts 2016 [I double heart this list; the best new authors means I am staying ahead of the game.]
  • John Charles' Core Collection: Romantic Suspense article. [Side note: he is one of the best romance reviewers and an all around awesome person. Romantic Suspense is still hot and it is read by men and women.]
  • The Top Romance on Audio 2016 [Joyce did a great job gathering a wide range of romance titles here; there is truly something for everyone...even me!]
  • And finally, at least one new post a day on The Booklist Reader the entire second half of this month. Just click on their tag- septemberromance- to pull them all up at anytime. 

And one final note, I know that I am paid to write reviews for Booklist, but I want to be clear, the reason I am willing to write for them at all is because I believe in the publication's mission. They are not trying to be the first place you go for reviews. Neither are they trying to review every book. Rather, they are trying to help you find the best books for your readers who come to the public library in America. The reviews are all written for the book's best reader. The lists and "Spotlights" are compiled to help you build stronger collections and help those genre readers. So yes, I am paid by Booklist, but I only work for them and promote them because I want to.

Now get out there and find some love-- in a book.

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