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Tuesday, November 6, 2018

New RUSA CODES Convo and Now I'm Part of the Team

This past July I joined the RUSA CODES RA Research & Trends Committee. One of our main jobs is to run the email conversations.

I am very excited to announce our newest one coming next week is all about DISPLAYS. This is a topic near and dear to my heart as readers of this blog know. If you are new to this blog, or didn't know click here to see all of my posts about displays.

But I am getting ahead of myself, first here are the details:
CODES Conversations: Collection Merchandising
November 13th 10am-6pm EST 
Book displays are a great way to draw attention to overlooked materials, increase overall circulation, and to encourage patrons to discover new authors, genres, ideas, or interests while browsing in your library. Join us and special guest moderator Lila Denning and bring your questions, suggestions, and advice. 
CODES Conversations are focused electronic conversations on issues facing collection development and readers’ advisory librarians—or anyone interestedin those areas. The conversations are open to all who wish to participate (or lurk)! 
If you would like to join us you don't have to do anything at all as you are already subscribed. 
If you don't want to join us you will need to unsubscribe by clicking the link below and selecting unsubscribe on the left side. 
But we hope you will join us! 
RUSA CODES RA Research & Trends CommitteeMagan Szwarek & Alicia Ahlvers, Co-Chairs
I am also excited to share that I will be hosting Lila Denning during her hour. She is a display expert [also an awesome person] and will be sharing her knowledge and answering your questions.

We will be chatting via email all day about displays which sounds like a dream day to me, but if for any reason you are feeling overwhelmed, please don't reply all to tell us. I get it. There will be a lot of emails. But there is a procedure to unsubscribe in the information above. Also, you can use your email systems filter feature and get all of the emails to go into their own folder so you can read them later.

I will also be posting the summary that our committee will be compiling after Thanksgiving, but if you want to be a part of the conversation in its entirety as it is unfolding, there is plenty of time to join us. Just go to this link and enter your email. We don't care if you participate or just lurk. The more the merrier.

Also, you might want to join just to see me get flustered by the technology. Seriously, that could happen, and it will be entertaining when it does.

In the meantime, sign up to join us and start thinking about what you want to ask your colleagues about their displays. Or, better yet, think about what display successes you have had that you want to share.

This is a time for RA Service focused library workers all over the country to literally put our heads together and share as much knowledge as possible with each other. Yes, it is a long day with many emails back and forth, but from experience I can tell you, it can be even more rewarding from a networking and learning standpoint than traveling to an out of state conference.

Hope to see you in the convo on 11/13.

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