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Monday, January 28, 2019

ALA Midwinter Adult Media Award Links

Here are the Adult Media Award winner lists for 2019 with links; at least those that are most relevant to RA Service. For each award I am linking to the news article of the winners [announced last night], and then, I am linking to the archive page where winners from the last few years are super easy to access. The webmaster hasn't updated those pages with the new winners yet. It's a busy weekend, but they will get to it.

Again, I am linking you to the backlist because...well if you don't know by now, you aren't paying attention to me at all.

Seriously though, award lists are a great resources, but the backlist is gold. Here is my original post where I discuss Using Awards Lists As a RA tool in general.

Now to the awards and the backlist links.
You can access all of the RUSA Books and Media award winners- including the reference winners- here. This is a website that you can use for suggestions to readers all year long. Remember, backlist winners are still just as good as current ones. They just aren't as shiny. 

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