This time the topic was Fantasy and you can access the recording and supporting documents below or by clicking here. I for one will be watching this ASAP as I am working on some Fantasy lists for NoveList via the ARRT Steering Committee right now. What are you waiting for. This is a great week to catch up post Game of Thrones finale and pre-summer reading.
Webinar: Crash Course in Fantasy
Are you intimidated at the thought of helping readers of fantasy? Whether your readers are fans of classic fantasy (like the Lord of the Rings series) or love the steamy, urban fantasy of Anne Bishop, let NoveList and LibraryReads break down the best these genres have to offer your readers—from Academies of magic to the Faerie realm.
Join Annabelle Mortensen, Access Services Manager at Skokie Public Library, and Victoria Caplinger Fredrick, Director of Book Discovery at NoveList, as they cover:
- Why readers are drawn to fantasy
- How these genres developed, including classics, newcomers, and awards to know
- Subgenres and crossovers
- NoveList insider information on genre headings, themes, appeal terms, and more
The webinar is now archived.
Click below to watch the recording or skip ahead to the training session that took place after the webinar.

Annabelle Mortensen is Access Services Manager at Skokie Public Library, where she directs collection development and has selected adult SFF books for more than a decade. Currently a member of the LibraryReads board, she's also former chair of the Adult Reading Round Table, where she oversaw a three-year speculative fiction genre study for Northern Illinois librarians. In her spare time, she tries to work dragons into every conversation.
Victoria Caplinger Fredrick leads the team of librarians in NoveList’s Book Discovery department, working with them to create readers’ advisory content and innovative metadata, such as themes, with other projects on the horizon. After a five-year tour of duty on various literary book award committees, for pleasure reading, she’s returning to her genre roots: horror, fantasy, science fiction and darker stories about people behaving badly.
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