The title of this post is something I say at every library which I present. I find a way to work this statement in no matter what. I actually include Graphic Novels in the statement too, but today is about audio books specifically because while I knew I was correct, actual SCIENCE has proved me right!
Yes I am going to gloat about this to everyone who has ever disagreed with me. And long time readers know that this is not a new issue for me [That 2016 post includes a link to a 2007 post where I took a stand on this issue].
Here is the link to a summary of the study which appears in the Journal of Neuroscience. This post includes links to further information including some upcoming brain mapping. They also talk about the findings previous to the new study and where they want to expand their research.
Also, I am linking to a summary from a popular science site instead of the direct study because, well, it is easier to understand for lay people [myself included]. But again, the link to the actual study is there too.
I am hopeful this is the beginning of the end of me having to fight people over this issue.
But, seriously for a moment, because I am not a mean person and I really want to help everyone improve their service, if you are someone struggling with the idea that audiobooks are reading, I don't just want to dismiss you. I want to educate you both from this scientific standpoint, and from a RA Service point of view. So besides looking at the proof, please also read my Call to Action where I talk about why audiobooks are reading from the reader's standpoint.
Consuming a story is consuming a story, whether we do it by reading words [or words with pictures], listening to someone read to us, or watching a movie. Our brain is doing the same work. Look at it that way, and you will be less judgmental and more willing to meet your patrons where they want to begin their leisure "reading" adventure, not just where you think the starting line has to be.
Open your ears and your mind.
#HorrorForLibraries Giveaway: A Lethe Press 4 book Prize Pack
Today I have a stack of books by one of my favorite small presses. 2
finished books and 2 ARCs-- all for 1 lucky winner. Details below but
first, here ar...
2 days ago
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