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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Love for All: Romance Genre Preview via Library Journal

The Library Journal Genre Previews are an excellent way to both get a jump on your genre collection development AND keep up to date in the latest trends in a genre.

So whether or not you are someone with collection responsibilities, these genre spotlights are an excellent resource for helping readers and educating yourself.

[Full disclosure, I do write their annual Horror Genre Preview in July]

Currently, LJ is featuring their Romance Preview here.

The article mentions many upcoming romance titles, broken up into categories. There is a discussion of trends and enough information to allow you to book talk each title to patrons. Finally, at the end of the article, there is a table of all of the titles mentioned with an asterisks for all diverse titles.

Click through and get your romance collections and your genre knowledge up to speed today, but fair warning, your TBR will expand. At least that is a known hazard of the job.

Click here to read the article

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