I can come to your library, book club meeting, or conference to talk about how to help your readers find their next good read. Click here for more information including RA for All's EDI Statement.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Welcome to 2020

Yes, I know we are 6 days into the New Year, but I was on a family vacation which was relaxing, warm, and involved an important life memorial.

While I was away, a lot happened in the Romance world. I will be writing about it more here on the blog, but I want to get back into the swing of things a bit first, especially because I have very limited internet while away and I didn't get home from the airport until 1:30am this morning. I need to process everything that went down, point you to the best recaps, and most importantly write about what it all means going forward. This will either be the final straw which will lead toward a much needed improvement at RWA or, be the end of RWA. I am not sure which yet. 

Also, RA for All always begins the New Year with a look back at my resolutions from last year and a statement of this year's resolutions. I do these to both to help you do the same and to keep myself accountable to something, Both of those I starting working on before I left for vacation, and they will be posted before the RWA stuff.

So.... it will be a busy week here on RA for All but it will begin in earnest tomorrow.

But first, both in light of the RWA debacle and as a reminder that here on RA for All, I make Equity, Diversity and Inclusion part of my mission every single day [click here for my EDI mission statement], I wanted to remind you of one of my favorite EDI, genre resources for adults.

Created by Anna Mickelsen, this is a working list of upcoming diverse titles in all genres. Anna reached out to make sure you all knew that she specifically updated the Romance section. But this list is constantly updated [last edit date always at the top] and is one of may favorite resources for both RA and Collection Development. 

Here's to 2020. Let's get it rolling..

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