I can come to your library, book club meeting, or conference to talk about how to help your readers find their next good read. Click here for more information including RA for All's EDI Statement.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Ripped Bodice's 4th Annual Report: The State of Racial Diversity in Romance

The Ripped Bodice, the only exclusive Romance book store in the United States released their 4th annual "Diversity in Publishing Report."

Click here to see the report. That link leads to the page where you can access the older reports too.

Also, click here for some analysis of the report in comparison to years' past via Book Riot.

There is not much more to say except "Thank You" to the Ripped Bodice for doing the work. Now in year 4 we can see data that is helpful. That's the thing with data collection, we need to start collecting it, but then wait to draw conclusions.

Not only do we now have enough to start seeing incremental change, but also, we are seeing enough slow change to stand up and demand more wholesale change. The ball has reached the top of the hill and it needs to get that final push so it can rush down to catch up the years of neglect, racism, and inequality.

The time is ripe to go at this issue hard, from every angle. The Ripped Bodice and Lee and Low are giving us the data to start. Let's get more people involved. More loud people.

Take a few moments out of your day to take a look at the report. And, then take a few more moments to think about your own collections, suggestions, readalikes, etc..... Are you making sure EDI concerns are part of everything you do. You can be a voice for change. Every single one of you.

Click here to see my most recent presentation on the topic of how we incorporate EDI values in our RA Service. I have updated it since the date on the title slide. The slides contain links to more information on how YOU, every single one of you, can help improve the situation.

Stop waiting for someone else to make the changes you can start making at your library and with your patrons today.

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