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Thursday, June 10, 2021

Two HWA Scholarships for Libraries To Know About: Deadline to Apply August 1

The Horror Writers Association has many scholarships and grants, but there are two in particular that the HWA's library team are involved with. One is a grant for your library and the other is for you to promote to your teen writers. And I am on the selection committee for both of them!

We have also partnered with our Summer Scares partner, Booklist to get the world out about these scholarships. 

Use this link to access all of the scholarships and grants available, but below are the details about the two specific scholarships. Click on the title of each to get into the full page of information:

The Horror Writers Association (HWA), the premier organization of writers and publishers of horror and dark fantasy and home of the iconic Bram Stoker Awards®, will be offering endowments to libraries to fund teen writing programs as part of its ongoing dedication to furthering young adult literacy. 
The Young Adults Write Now fund will provide up to five (5) endowments of $250 each per year for selected libraries to establish new, or support ongoing, writing programs. The program is currently open to United States libraries, but will be expanded in the future to include other countries, as part of the HWA’s global presence. Membership in the HWA is not a requirement.

Dennis Etchison Young Writers Scholarship

The Dennis Etchison Young Writers scholarship will be open to students in grades 10-12 (or the equivalent, if home schooled), with an interest in writing horror/dark fiction.
Students must provide a selection of their work (at least 1 completed short story over 1,000 words, 3 chapters from a novel in progress, or 4 poems), at least one letter of reference by their instructor(s), and a description of their goals with an education plan for use of the stipend.

The winner may apply the $500 toward college tuition, course fees (on line or traditional), and/or materials pertaining to the enhancement of writing skills, such as textbooks, software, or computers. The money can also be used for online Horror University courses from the HWA (information on Horror U. courses available online – www.horror.org or by request).

The recipient will have 2 years to utilize the funds. 

Bonus: Multi-award nominated author JG Faherty will mentor the winner for 6 months.

While those 2 scholarships are more library focused, every library should be making the entire page of scholarships available to your patrons. These funding opportunities are open to all writers who are interested. You do not need to be a member of the HWA. And, the winners of the Diversity Grants [for which I am sponsoring 1 if the 4 winners again] are also invited to appear on a panel during Librarians' Day at StokerCon each year.

The window to apply is from June 1- Aug 1. The HWA has money they want to give you; I want to give it to you, but I cannot unless you apply today! Spread the word. I have already receive 2 applications and it's only June 10th! 

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