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Friday, August 20, 2021

Resource Alert: Readalikes for Perennial Favorites via Booklist

Pretty much every library subscribes to Booklist magazine. While the physical magazine often does a slow march throughout a building, very few library workers have the FREE with your subscription online access set up to use all the time and any time.

It is VERY easy to do, but it requires coordination with the staff who manage your subscriptions and have them get you the password. Details are here from Booklist. It will take some time, but once it is set up, you are good to go. You can also click through and email for help. 

I have online access and I can tell you, you are missing out on a lot of content without it. And again, you are already paying for it but not using it. This is so frustrating.

Booklist wants you to get the most for your money so they started a series entitled, "Booklist Better," a series of tips designed to help you make the most out of your Booklist subscription.

The first article is entitled, "Finding Readalikes for Perennial Favorites." It explains how editors are always cross referencing readalikes, going back to older favorite titles to add the newer titles that reference that older one. It sounds confusing when I write it, but Susan Maguire explains it all here. And she is right, it is readers' advisory gold!

Click through and see for yourself. And then get your FREE online access set up so you can use Booklist to it's fullest RA glory.

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